Yesterday was my birthday. Three days before that was my father's deathday. According to my spellchecker, there's no such word as "deathday". I won't correct it, since we don't really have a need for such a word.
We celebrate birthdays far more often and for far better reasons. Even the most entrenched nihilist would have no reason to observe his or her own departure from life -- unless that person had precognition.

RIP Vincent S. Runza, Sr.: born November 7, 1922 -- died January 20, 2011.
This is the way I will remember Pop -- animated, rumpled and engaging. I think he was explaining something to Mom. I won't put up the photo of her, sticking her tongue out at him. Yet.
We celebrate birthdays far more often and for far better reasons. Even the most entrenched nihilist would have no reason to observe his or her own departure from life -- unless that person had precognition.

This is the way I will remember Pop -- animated, rumpled and engaging. I think he was explaining something to Mom. I won't put up the photo of her, sticking her tongue out at him. Yet.