Along with blog posts like this one, having as many alternative ways to find your working Web page is a very important part of SEM -- Search Engine Marketing. One very effective way to add to your marketing efforts besides having websites is a Squidoo lens that points to your business. Along with the "social networking" exposure, Google loves Squidoo!
Local searches for products, services and the like are actually outperforming "Yellow Pages" type publications and other print advertising. Plus, websites for local businesses that are keyword optimized and don't come across as "spammy" to the spiders can outrank major business directories in the SERP's (Search Engine Result Pages). This includes social networking site pages like Squidoo lenses.
A local business located right across the street from me got a rude shock when he viewed his latest edition of the Yellow Pages. The listing misspelled his company name in the display ad, the alphabetical listing and the White Pages listing, too! A "hat trick" of mistakes that can't be repaired until the next edition, next year. With a Squidoo lens, if you goof it up, fixes are a snap and get published immediately!
If you're a marketer who uses an online presence to promote your business (just your websites) and you don't know about Squidoo -- shame on you! You're leaving money on the table, dude! If you haven't tried to promote your business online in any fashion and want to try yourself without committing to a website, hosting, fancy content or paid SEO services, try a lens! Click on the title of this post and you'll be whisked away to Squidoo's lens on this subject. You can get more info about your online presence for both local, Scranton business websites and everywhere else here:
Local searches for products, services and the like are actually outperforming "Yellow Pages" type publications and other print advertising. Plus, websites for local businesses that are keyword optimized and don't come across as "spammy" to the spiders can outrank major business directories in the SERP's (Search Engine Result Pages). This includes social networking site pages like Squidoo lenses.
A local business located right across the street from me got a rude shock when he viewed his latest edition of the Yellow Pages. The listing misspelled his company name in the display ad, the alphabetical listing and the White Pages listing, too! A "hat trick" of mistakes that can't be repaired until the next edition, next year. With a Squidoo lens, if you goof it up, fixes are a snap and get published immediately!
If you're a marketer who uses an online presence to promote your business (just your websites) and you don't know about Squidoo -- shame on you! You're leaving money on the table, dude! If you haven't tried to promote your business online in any fashion and want to try yourself without committing to a website, hosting, fancy content or paid SEO services, try a lens! Click on the title of this post and you'll be whisked away to Squidoo's lens on this subject. You can get more info about your online presence for both local, Scranton business websites and everywhere else here: